xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' Friday Night Wife: All the Happenings!
Four years ago I taught 2nd graders and had for five years. For now the Lord has me staying home with my babies. I am a believer in Jesus Christ. I have been married for 8 years to my best friend who just happens to be a football coach. We have four precious baby girls who keep us very busy. I love to spend time with family, craft, bake, cook, watch football, and whatever else comes up. I am hoping to start up a baking business with cakes, cupcakes, and cookies. I hope you enjoy reading about our life as much as I am enjoying blogging about it!



My Girls

My Girls

Adda B.

Adda B.

Ella Sue

Ella Sue

Chloe & Claire

Chloe & Claire

Saturday, September 1, 2012

All the Happenings!

It's been a few days since I posted anything on the blog.  I have had one million things going on and my head has been spinning around and around trying to get it all done.  I always feel like I am going to be super organized and be able to really sit back and visit and hang out when family comes but it never really works out that way.  That's alright!  I look forward to it every time.  I look forward to the craziness and my head spinning around and around.  

Here is my list!  Don't mind the scribbles from Adda B. and her pencil!  I might have added a few  items that I already completed to make myself feel better about marking through things!  It's done and it's family time!

We had our first football game last night!  It was HOT, MUGGY, CROWDED, and A BEATING!  I will have to find some things to take to the game for Adda to keep her occupied for four hours in the stands!  It's an adjustment every year!  I tried some coloring and she last for about 20 minutes with that.  Suggestions would be appreciate!!!  It wasn't a great game!  But I think I only saw about 10 plays with all of  my handling I was doing with kids.  By halftime Ella was only in a diaper and bloomers because she was sooo hot.  Adda's hair was completely wet.  I was speaking in a really high tone because my Spanks were soaking up all my sweat and squeezing my insides.  Some may think I am crazy for wearing Spanks in the heat but let me tell you those babies are a necessity after my two kiddos lived in my belly for 9 months!  Suck it in please, and thank you!!!

Gonzo!  My best friend, I love this guy!  I get as nervous as he does before games.  Well, maybe not!  He has been know to puke before a game.  In Texas you win, or your fired!  That would make me puke too!

The sweating is starting to happen quickly!  Adda is wishing she were in her panties ONLY!  

Check out the wet hair!  Oh, and she got to chew gum for the first time!  After swallowing it twice, I told her she could try again next time.  The second time was better than the first, but she swallowed it when I said she could have a few skittles.  She said, gulp "I'm ready for skittles!"

Too bad we lost, but so glad to see our Daddy!  Love you Babe!

The family reunion is this weekend.  Most everyone came in yesterday and we all hung out before the game.  The rest of the family is on their way as we speak.  The food is ready and the cakes are decorated. Ill take more pictures tonight and post later.  I am looking forward to loving on my family!  Such a blessing to all get together once a year!  I wish it could be more but a lot of planning goes into getting everyone here this time every year!

I finished a little project I was working on for Adda.  I made her a bow holder.  Most people with a three year old would have already filled a bow holder by now.  My girl just recently (as in a week before her 3rd birthday) got enough hair to hold a ponytail and bow.  What?!!!  That's how we roll!

Here it is!  Almost of all of these bows came from Erin (a friend of mine, whose husband is a coach).  Her daughter Kendall had outgrown them and she passed them down.  I need to make one for Ella now!  Those little bows need to be on one for her.  They are too small for Adda.

Last but not least!  The man is here to fix my oven!!!!  He is so nice, so I feel a little bad about being sassy to the people about someone getting out here sooner.  

Guess what!!!!!!  He just told me he can't fix it today.  (Que the rolling of the eyes, and bad thoughts rolling through my mind.  Not towards this guy but towards someone.  I not sure who yet, but I am not happy with someone.)  He replaced three separate parts and it still is not fixed.  He told me blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah and that he would have to get back to me about another time for he and another technician to come out with the new part.  OH MY GOSH!  I just don't even know what to say!  So, on that note I am going to say goodbye to you and to the nice many who attempted to fix my oven! 


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