xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' Friday Night Wife: D is for Donut!
Four years ago I taught 2nd graders and had for five years. For now the Lord has me staying home with my babies. I am a believer in Jesus Christ. I have been married for 8 years to my best friend who just happens to be a football coach. We have four precious baby girls who keep us very busy. I love to spend time with family, craft, bake, cook, watch football, and whatever else comes up. I am hoping to start up a baking business with cakes, cupcakes, and cookies. I hope you enjoy reading about our life as much as I am enjoying blogging about it!



My Girls

My Girls

Adda B.

Adda B.

Ella Sue

Ella Sue

Chloe & Claire

Chloe & Claire

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

D is for Donut!

This week we have been working on letter D.  We have read books about, dogs, dress up, Daisy Duck, driving a bus, dinosaurs, dog food, and dancing!  We have sorted dinosaurs by size, matched dinosaurs by color, looked for big D and little d, and decorated our own donuts.  If Gonzo had not gone to work before the donut shop was open we would have also eat a few donuts!  Oh well, maybe next week!  And yes, Gonzo does go to work that early!  Especially this morning so he can get home to trick or treat with us.
  Here is a picture of their d-d-d-decorated d-d-d-donuts!

Adda told me "Oh no, we forgot about our donut hole!"  I guess she thought we were also decorating the hole and it also needed sprinkles!

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