xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' Friday Night Wife: Ella - 9 months, Adda - Rat Tail!
Four years ago I taught 2nd graders and had for five years. For now the Lord has me staying home with my babies. I am a believer in Jesus Christ. I have been married for 8 years to my best friend who just happens to be a football coach. We have four precious baby girls who keep us very busy. I love to spend time with family, craft, bake, cook, watch football, and whatever else comes up. I am hoping to start up a baking business with cakes, cupcakes, and cookies. I hope you enjoy reading about our life as much as I am enjoying blogging about it!



My Girls

My Girls

Adda B.

Adda B.

Ella Sue

Ella Sue

Chloe & Claire

Chloe & Claire

Monday, November 12, 2012

Ella - 9 months, Adda - Rat Tail!

Our little monkey turned 8 months yesterday! We are starting to see her personality come out more and more each day! She is laid back most of the time but has an opinion about some things. She loves to try and take her diaper off right when I put it on. When I sternly say her name as she pulls the tab she looks at me and smiles! Oh my! When we talk to her she carries on a big conversation with us making all kinds of noises. When Adda dances she watches intently and starts to move to the beat! She loves her sister so much! After nap time when I come out of her room she lunges towards Adda's room to go get her up! She loves to wake Adda up by laying on top of her and laughing! She has even started to say "Adda" sometimes! That makes Adda so excited to hear Ella say her name! I love both those girls so much! I know you hear this all the time but it's so hard to remember what it was like without both of them! I'm looking forward to all the memories we make as a family of four!

At 9 months Ella loves:
  • To bite everything! Including the carpet! Might have to do with the fact that she has about 4 times the amout of teeth than other kiddos her age!
  • Brush her teeth! She is obsessed with her tooth brush. When she sees it she starts squealing until you start brush her teeth.
  • To eat! In the past month she has started food. She eats well and has enjoyed almost everything she has tried. We have made sweet potatoes, peas, acorn squash, carrots, prunes, and apple sauce! Out of them all I think her favorite has been peas.
  • Crawl! She is crawling. She goes very quickly backwards but in the past week has started moving forward. Before long she will be getting places quicker than me.
  • Take a bath! I think her favorite part of the day next to nursing is taking a bath! She scoots all over the tub, forward and backward and turns around. The best part is when Adda gets in with her! It's nothing but squeals and splashing!
  • Daddy! She loves Gonzo so much! The minute she hears the back door close or hears his voice she lights up. She turns and starts looking for him and smiles from ear to ear! Adda loved her Daddy too but Ella thinks he is the BOMB!
  • Sit up in her bed! Each time I go get her from sleeping she is sitting up in her bed staring at the door! We are lowering the mattress tonight! It's a matter of time before she is pulling up on the side! She has started pulling up on the fireplace ledge in the living room!
Adda is turning into a big girl before my eyes! She is starting to try and sounds words out, write her name, and retell me stories (her version of course)! I see so much of myself in her! We are starting her in soccer in January and I am praying that girl gets her Daddy's athletic ability. At this point she is still running like a baby chicken! We are working on pumping those arms! She looks at me like I'm crazy when I say "pump your arms!" I finally got the guts to cut her little "rat tail" off the back of her hair the other night! She was so proud of her "hair cut" in the bag! In fact she carried it all over for a few days. I'm no professional but the back looks nice now! Gonzo was a little sad to see it go! He loved her "rat tail"!

Still nice and curly! She was a little nervous as we turned her around and Gonzo held her head! She said, "Mom what are you doing with those scissors!?" Who knows maybe that little cut will give her hair a boost of growth!

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