Clan, Tribe, Group, Party, Cluster, Team, Band, Troop, Gang, Set, and FAMILY!
All of these words describe family to me. Even more than those, I think of these words: affection, fondness, passion, patience, and LOVE!
Most of all I think of these words: Abba, Redeemer, Father, Messiah, Prophet, God, Almighty, Lord of Holiness, Author of Life, JESUS!
This is Nana and Papa (aka Nana Piranha and Papa, or Bill and Ruth). My Mama's parents!
As I have gotten older I have started to realize how blessed I am with my family. How blessed I am that my family has loved Jesus! These two people gave their heart to Christ a long time ago and have faithfully given all parts of their life to Christ along the way. No doubt, there were (and still are) times that they pulled back and tried to do it on their own, but ultimately they love Jesus and have prayed for each one of us to love Him as well. As I am getting older, so are they. One day they won't be here anymore for me to love on. They won't be here for Adda and Ella to go visit and eat cinnamon rolls at the table, and look out the paned window at the garden. And, that's okay! What makes this okay is that they will spend eternity with Christ. That gives me peace!
Two only children met at Oklahoma State University and were married June 25, 1947. They had three kids of their own and now are in the middle of this great big family of ours! There were countless meltdowns among the eight great grand children running around (only three of the eight slept at all). It's was loud and hot with 32 people in one house. The food was abundant. We all overate and felt super chubby. It was crazy at times, but it was worth it! The few hours we all have together once a year is worth it!
The crew! Two only children, and this is what you have! Pretty amazing, isn't it!
Jamey, and his new son Nate! Sweet boy did pretty good for being passed around every 5 minutes! |
Uncle Bill and his grand daughter Caroline. This is Nate's big sister!
They look just alike. Caroline and Adda played great together. They
both gave each other a run for their money! |
Uncle Bill with his other grand daughter Hollen! Such a sweet and quiet spirit she has. She has a very tender personality! |
Little Adda B! She was in heaven playing with all her cousins! Miss Independent was on her own all day long! |
Hollen and her Mama Lorrie! She gets her beauty from her Mama! Lorrie
is gorgeous! Sorry Liam I think your gorgeous too! Love you guys! |
Megan, Nana, Whitney, and Papa! |
Nana and Papa gave all the great grand kids a little present. Luke got a
plane decorating set, Abel got a dinosaur decorating set, Caroline and
Adda got a bead set, and Hollen and Leah got a purse full of girly
goodies. Thank you Nana and Papa! |
Adda and Hollen checking out the new toys! |
This is my Papa! I love this man so much! He has the most gentle spirit, and sweetest smile! |
Ella Sue sitting in NanAnn's lap taking in all the craziness around
her! Notice Adda in the background with her legs straight up in the
air. This might have been a time when the kids were having a dance
party in the living room. |
My Daddy (Papa to Ella, and Pops to Leah)! Leah can't get enough of her
hat! She wants that hat and some shoes on at all times! |
Lauren and Jamey having a deep conversation! I love sweet, quiet Lauren! So glad she got to come this year too! |
This is my cousin Robby! I am going to take a minute to be hard on
him. Love you Robby! I have not seen him in seven year until this
weekend. It was soooo good to see him. I have missed that guy! Don't
let it happen again, Dude! |
Little Leah! My mom sits this same exact way. Must be something in the blood! |
Sweet Hollen! |
Nana and Papa holding Nate, the youngest of their 8 great grand kids! Oh, and the 9th is on the way! |
Nana and Papa with all of Lee's kids. Leah, Luke, and Abel |
Here are the cakes! Lemon, with raspberry filling, strawberry with
strawberry buttercream, and yellow cake with chocolate buttercream. We
celebrated birthday's with these three cakes. |
Almost devoured!
Megan with Leah and Andrea!
Laney (Tommy's fiance) with Nate! All the babies always get good lovin each year from Laney! Love you Laney! |
Aunt Kathy, Kelsey (Robby's girlfriend), and Lauren. So glad we all got to meet Kelsey! We love her Robby! |
Luke, Abel, Adda, and Caroline eating cake. They finally got to sit
down and eat it after asking about 500 times for the pink cake. The
mixture of no naps, and 10 lbs. of sugar running through their veins was
pretty interesting! |
Whitney, Jamey, Megan, Lee, Andrea, and Nelda swarming around the chips and dip. |
Hollen eating pulled pork with her Daddy! So Yummy! |
Tommy and Laney! We can't wait for the wedding in May! |
Finally... Gonzo was done with football! It's always nice for me when
he get there. I feel like I am missing a part of me when he is gone.
Gotta love a coaches work schedule! |
Robby and Kelsey! Again, it was so so so good to see both of them. We
have heard so much about Kelsey and it was great to finally meet her!
Can't wait to visit with her some more in May at the wedding. |
are a few things wrong with this picture. Caroline is about 3 years
too old for that toy, and Adda is pretending to be the lead singer from
KISS! This might have been after the cake!
The Tutor Family! Jamey, Caroline, Whitney, and the newest member Nate. |
The Gonzales Family! The only picture we got of the four of us and
Waldo (Lee Lewis) somehow popped his head in the background. Really
Lee??!! |
The Banner! Nana and Papa got to take it home with them. I think they enjoyed it. It was fun to make! |
Let them eat cake!!!! |
Hollen kept putting this hat on Leah's head and then cracking up
laughing. Leah was a good sport to let her put it on about 10 times.
It was hilarious! |
Hum??? This picture looks a little suspicious! I don't think it was, but it sure is cute! |
Aunt Trisa with Nate! |
I am in love with this picture! I
love the sweet innocent looks in their eyes! These three kids love each
other so much. They might not act like it all the time but they do.
Another reason I am excited about living around the corner from them! |
Adda with her necklace from her bead set that Nana and Papa gave her! |
The Goudeket Family!
Lorrie, Liam, and Hollen. This was before they took a ride around the block so Hollen would finally sleep for a few minutes! |
Steven, Uncle Rob, and my Dad. Solving the worlds problems, I am sure!
On Sunday morning we all met at Fuzzy's for breakfast before everyone left to drive home.
It was a very quick but great weekend. There is never enough time to catch up like we all want. Already looking forward to the wedding in Oklahoma in May! Love you all so very much! I have very fond memories of each and every person.
Some of the words I am thinking of now are: thankful, grateful, blessed, appreciative, encouraged, and LOVED!
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