xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' Friday Night Wife: A chewing problem! No judging!
Four years ago I taught 2nd graders and had for five years. For now the Lord has me staying home with my babies. I am a believer in Jesus Christ. I have been married for 8 years to my best friend who just happens to be a football coach. We have four precious baby girls who keep us very busy. I love to spend time with family, craft, bake, cook, watch football, and whatever else comes up. I am hoping to start up a baking business with cakes, cupcakes, and cookies. I hope you enjoy reading about our life as much as I am enjoying blogging about it!



My Girls

My Girls

Adda B.

Adda B.

Ella Sue

Ella Sue

Chloe & Claire

Chloe & Claire

Saturday, September 22, 2012

A chewing problem! No judging!

I have decided that both my girls have a chewing problem. I'm pretty sure (actually, positively sure) that I passed this trait down to them. As a kid I chewed on everything. I still find myself chewing on stuff. I don't know what's wrong with me. I probably need some sort of counseling for it. Adda does the same thing. Everything, and I mean everything, goes straight to her mouth! It's like she needs to explore things with hands, eyes, and tongue! Listen, I totally remember thinking those thoughts as a kid! It's a problem!

The other day my cousin (Suzanne Shipp Green) posted this picture on instagram. Her caption was that her mom found her old Barbies. I replied to her asking if any of them had chew marks on their feet. I used to chew her most prized possessions. She also had an amazing eraser collection, and I might have chewed a few of them up. I know, I know, I am shaking my head right now too! Again, it's a problem!
 Poor Ken! You would think by looking at these teeth marks it might have been a puppy. No, just a little cousin named Jocelyn! Love you Suz!
Adda is crazy in love with her paci! She has always loved it! Before she turned two we made her keep her paci in her bed. She could only have it when she slept, either nap or bedtime. She had no problem with this at all. When she woke up it stayed in her bed. We didn't feel like it was hurting anything for her to keep using it while she slept. It wasn't affecting her speech, she didn't use it in public or around the house, and she never threw any fits about wanting it. In February (when Ella was born) she got RSV and we noticed that one of her pacifiers had a hole. She had four Avent brand pacifiers. These were old and I just thought this particular one was just plain worn out. I threw it away and she started using another one. Then Ella got RSV and we were at Cook's Childrens Hospital with her for 3 days. During these three days she stayed with a few different people. When we got home I noticed that the two pacifiers she had in her overnight bag both had holes. I honestly thought that maybe the dogs at both house she stayed at might have gotten a hold of them. I threw them away and gave her the last pacifier. A few days later I noticed it had a hole. I realized that we had a piranha on our hands, and her name was Adda!  Gonzo and I talked about it and decided that with a brand new baby who was getting over RSV, Adda getting over RSV, and Gonzo and I both getting over being sick, I didn't care if she had one more pacifier. We had a bag of extra ones that were gifts or free ones we got in the mail. We let her pick one more and told her that was it. She of course picked the pink glitter one that said "Princess" on the front. She knew that if this one got a hole it was going in the trash and she wouldn't have another one. Well...yesterday she talked and played during her nap. I didn't think too much about it because I had given her Zyrtec that morning and thought maybe that was just keeping her awake. When I went in to get her she asked where her paci was. We found it and she said, "Mom, I gave paci a hole." It wasn't just a hole! The whole tip of the paci was gone! We took it to the trash and she had to toss it in.

There it goes!!! We made a really big deal about it last night and gave lots of high fives! Surely, she would sleep good! She had no nap, swam, and jumped on the trampoline! She did! Slept great! This morning we went to get donuts and chocolate milk (after she told me that's what Papa gets her) to celebrate saying goodbye to paci!
Her nap wasn't great today, but she did sleep! 

Ella might also have a chewing problem! Maybe not, I do think she is getting her top two eye teeth right now. I went in to get her after she woke up from her nap the other day and this is what I found.

This is what it should look like.
She could reach the ruffle with her mouth and she chewed and ripped it during her nap. Really!!! Wow!  It's a problem, I know! 


  1. LOL, I see mouth guards in the future for these two. Maybe daddy can bring some home from work...:)

  2. I forgive you. So does Ken. :) Love you!!
