This sweet little girl just had a HUGE blowout in her car seat. (The kind where you go straight to the bath and don't waist 50 wipes.) This is the same car seat we used with Adda and believe me it has had many spit ups, leaky diapers, and maybe a few projectile vomits in it. I know, I know that is sick, gross, and disgusting! It's always been accidents I would either wipe out with Clorox wipes, or scrub and shop vac. To my defense I will say that it has never had the I got a bug and am puking all over the place vomit. If that had happened I might have taken it apart by now and cleaned it like I did today. Also, it's a project I look at and think there is no way I can take this apart and get it back together the right way. I mean its the seat my kid sits in while driving! You don't jack around with that, right?! After that little girl was in it today there was no wiping this out!
So here is the car seat without the pads. Yes, there is a brown something on the back area. SICK, GROSS, DISGUSTING, and it won't come off! At this point I'm starting to feel like a very bad mommy for not cleaning this by now! |
Here are the pads in my kitchen sink with LOTS of detergent! The water doesn't look too bad at this point! Oh, just wait! As I started squeezing and swishing it around the water started to change! SICK, GROSS, DISGUSTING! |
At this point Gonzo walks over to the sink and says "Oh my! Why is the water brown?!" Yep, I officially feel like a real jerk for not thoroughly washing these pads before I brought Ella home from the hospital. |
FYI: This tool should not be thrown away when you purchase a car seat (I have a friend who's husband threw it away, thinking why would we need this little plastic thingy. She did get it all back together without it but used some profanity in the process). | | |
So fresh and so clean, clean! It was a beating threading the straps. The instructions didn't say to adjust the knob on the back all the way up. Luckily Gonzo figured that out. Now I'll know for next time how to do this in no time. PLEASE tell me I'm not the only mom who doesn't wash the car seat pads on a regular basis. I will now, and you can too! Oh, and keep up with the threading tool! I only said two cuss words (in my own language), but if the threading tool had been missing I am sure I would have said at least 5! |
no, you are not the only mamma who had not done this on a regular basis. And, I have had the same experience putting the dadgum thing back together. Have you taken the high chair apart recently?
ReplyDeleteTracey, glad to hear that! I did take the high chair apart not too long ago and spray it down outside. It was not as scary to me as this car seat. I was just praying I didn't screw it up. Glad it clean now! Maybe I'll do the high chair tomorrow!:)