xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' Friday Night Wife: And so it begins...
Four years ago I taught 2nd graders and had for five years. For now the Lord has me staying home with my babies. I am a believer in Jesus Christ. I have been married for 8 years to my best friend who just happens to be a football coach. We have four precious baby girls who keep us very busy. I love to spend time with family, craft, bake, cook, watch football, and whatever else comes up. I am hoping to start up a baking business with cakes, cupcakes, and cookies. I hope you enjoy reading about our life as much as I am enjoying blogging about it!



My Girls

My Girls

Adda B.

Adda B.

Ella Sue

Ella Sue

Chloe & Claire

Chloe & Claire

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

And so it begins...

Last night we went to First Event at Martin.  They fill the gyms with booths from all the different clubs, and sports.  It's a chance for them to sell gear for their sport or hand out information about their club.  Every gym and hallway is packed with people.  They also have a huge pep rally in the big gym afterwards.  They introduce all the cheerleaders, dancers, volleyball players, and football players.  The band plays and the crowd yells (well the seniors do most of the yelling).  There are chanting competitions between the classes.  The poor freshman are basically kicked out every year.  I guess that's part of being a freshman!  We look forward to going every year.  Adda enjoys the loud pep rally!  I do too!  These are not the same kind I grew up going to at LHS.  When a school has 3,400 plus students you know it's gonna get a little loud and crazy!  It gets me fired up for the season.  I love football, and football season!  I can smell it in the air!  Literally, there is something about what is smells like during this time of year.  To me, that smell is football!

 Here are the girls at the pep rally!  This was actually before it started.

Daddy and his girls!  This was Ella's first pep rally!  She was pretty somber through it all.  No tears, just checked it all out!  In the pictures she is staring at the pom poms that girls are holding right in front of her.  She was mesmerized!  

Oh, and on a side note!  Adda had on panties!  I made sure before we walked out the door that we did an undergarment check on everyone!  We all passed!!!!


  1. so relieved that ALL the Gonzales girls remembered their panties! Whew! How embarassing for the coach to have the women in his family running around commando at the pep rally--it would have become a PEEP rally!!!!

    1. LOL!!! That is hilarious! I am SO glad it wasn't a PEEP rally! I am sure Gonzo was glad as well!
