This is my friend Kristen! We have a pretty deep history! Let me tell you the short version of our story. When we all (by all I mean pretty much the whole coaching staff from Kaufman came together to Martin) loaded up and moved to Arlington I taught second grade at Williams Elementary. There was this really tall drink of water who was starting her first year of teaching in the forth grade at Williams. One day we both had to go to a training together after school and happened to sit together. She was funny, and spunky, and easy to talk to. I started quizzing her about herself trying to decide if she would be a good fit for Bob (one of the single coaches on the staff, who Gonzo played college ball with). During the training I got up and called Gonzo to tell the guys about this girl who I thought needed to meet Bob. They put me on speaker phone in the office and before I could finish describing her, they looked her up on the Williams website. They met, started dating, and I think we (Erin and I) fell in love with her before Bob did. Six years later they are married, and one of our best friends. Tate and Jackson (the kiddos I keep) are their two precious boys and they are like family to us. So glad we meet, and totally didn't pay attention during that Thinking Maps training!
This is us at her bachelorette party. I was huge pregnant and didn't stay out long with them. |
had lots of people tell me they think the name of the blog is so cute!
I have to say that I did not think of this on my own. This is where Kristen comes in. She is super creative and witty. She came up with the blog name in about .2 seconds. We were talking
on the phone about the blog and I told her that we were having trouble
thinking of a name for it. I told her I wanted it to be something about
baking/family/cooking/party planning/football. Without even thinking
about it she started spouting off all these really fantastic names. I
text a few of them to my family and we all unanimously decided on Friday
Night Wife! Thanks Kristen for being so creative!!!
This is Erin (another coaches wife), Kristen and I after a football game. Love these girls. Only one of us had a child then. Now between the three of us there are six kiddos! |
Here we are at the wedding. So, so, so pregnant! I was four weeks from due date. So glad they worked out! |
This is by baby shower for Adda. About two weeks after Kristen and Bob got married. |
I am so blessed to have such good friends in my life, Friends you know you will have for a lifetime. At some point we won't all be coaching together, but we will always stay in touch. Thanks again Kristen for thinking of a super clever blog name!
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