Tonight we went out to eat for my birthday! Tonight was the first time we have gone out to eat since before the babies were born, with just Gonzo and I. One other time we went with my parents and my brother's family to a little place where nobody would care that we needed seats for so many kids. That didn't really count because the babies were very little and didn't make a peep and we weren't by ourselves. We had many other adults who could step in if all H-E-Double Hockey Sticks broke loose!!!
I was prepared and ready when Gonzo got home from work. That's one thing I have had to become really good at...being organized. When there are two infants yelling at you in time of need you don't have an extra moment to think of the next step! I'm not great at being on top of things but I'm working on it. Usually I just look like I'm faking it till make it! Luckily none of my kids are super demanding...very often...only every once in a while. Who am I kidding?!?! Luckily the BABIES aren't very demanding!!! Those other two are another story!!!!
We went to Chuy's because I was dying for some hot green chilies! Choosing where to eat was hard for me because I think birthdays should be centered around something sweet! After dinner we went to Cheescake Factory and Gonzo let me go in and choose two pieces to come home with while he drove around the parking lot trying to keep the children from going insane in an idle vehicle! I came out with...Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and Orea Cookie!!! We all ate a little off of each piece and the best part is there is some leftover so I can eat it during nap time tomorrow!!! Halleluiah!!!
Blowing out my candle! Adda checked the drawer where I keep candles and said, "Um, Mom I don't think we have enough candles for you!" That's okay, just give me one! I'll go with that!!! |
All my little varmints!!! |
I just snap pictures over and over until I think I might have gotten a good one! When I look back later it makes me laugh because it's like trying to take picture of crazed animals! This all happened in probably a 10 second time span! No kidding!
Here we go...1, 2, 3, cheeeeeese |
LOOOOOk at the camera! |
I will just try two at a time |
One more time! |
Ella says, "Come here baby!" |
Adda says, "CHEEEEESE!" |
Chloe |
Awe!!! |
They are fixing to be on the move! |
I decided I should stop when one was headed over the back of the couch and the other was fixing to take a nose dive off the couch! I gave it a good effort!!!
It was a great day! I am so incredibly blessed with Gonzo and my girls! I'm thankful for another day I got to wake up and be his wife and their mommy! Now, if I could just keep that attitude when the drama begins in a few years, I mean in a few minutes! Somebody remind me to go back and read this!!!
No, seriously!! Thank you Jesus for another birthday! Thank you for my best friend! Thank you for all four of the girls! You have outdone yourself in my 32 years of life! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
Update: I forgot to tell how dinner went with all the kids! I didn't realize I skipped these details until a few people asked how it went! It went so well that I forgot!!! Maybe because it's been so long since we have been out...all four girls were pretty mesmerized by people watching. We had a 20 minute wait and it seemed like 10! The twins pounded Cheerios and puffs! Adda and Ella pounded chips and french fries. I had two beers and didn't care at all that their dinner was chips and fries. We had several people stop at the table and ask question! Are they twins? Do you have two sets of twins? Are they all yours? Do you have all girls? Are you going to try for a boy? Yes, No, Yes, Yes, NOOOO! Some of these questions seem STUPID but you'd be surprised how often I get them! Especially the "Are they all yours?" question!!! So overall it was great! I enjoyed every second of a really good dinner out with all six of us...and I didn't have to cook!!!!
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