I am finally getting the chance to get caught up on some blogging. I probably would throw the towel in with this but it keeps me on my toes with updating our daily lives. Our days go so fast and it's really easy for us to forget what's going on in the heart of our home! I also very much enjoy the writing part of blogging. It's like my outlet, my dear diary! It's kinda my time for eating cookies, drinking coffee, and taking deep breaths! At this very moment I'm finishing off the last of my egg nog for the year! I drink it when my kids are asleep or not looking so I don't have to share!!!
At the beginning of December we had a crazy ice storm here in the metroplex. School was canceled for 3 full days. I've seen ice and snow and ice and snow, but I've never seen inches of solid ice. When you looked outside it looked like white snow on the ground and on the roofs but actually it was all ice. After a few days we finally decided we needed to let the girls go outside for a little while and attempt to do something. The kids in our cul-de-sac had been sledding and playing ice hockey and the girls stood at the window watching and begging. I'm glad we finally decided to go play because even though we were only out there for about 15 minutes they had a blast. The sledding was a great success! Here are a few pictures from Icemageddon 2013.
Heading out! Yes, Gonzo is in shorts! He's crazy!!! |
Look at poor Ella's hands! I'm that parent that doesn't have gloves for my 2 year old! Woops!!!! |
Ready to go back inside where it's warm!! |
Here is a video from my phone of the girls sledding! They had a good time! In fact, they are still talking about it. Click the link and you should be able to view it.
Adda and Ella sledding - Icemageddon 2013
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