xmlns:fb='http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml' Friday Night Wife: Ella 8 Months and More Letter B
Four years ago I taught 2nd graders and had for five years. For now the Lord has me staying home with my babies. I am a believer in Jesus Christ. I have been married for 8 years to my best friend who just happens to be a football coach. We have four precious baby girls who keep us very busy. I love to spend time with family, craft, bake, cook, watch football, and whatever else comes up. I am hoping to start up a baking business with cakes, cupcakes, and cookies. I hope you enjoy reading about our life as much as I am enjoying blogging about it!



My Girls

My Girls

Adda B.

Adda B.

Ella Sue

Ella Sue

Chloe & Claire

Chloe & Claire

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Ella 8 Months and More Letter B

Well another months has passed quickly!  Ella is at such a fun stage right now.  She mimics us a lot of the time!  We get a kick out of it that's for sure!  Adda is starting to really enjoy making Ella laugh, or getting Ella to roll over to where she is!  It's almost like Ella is her pet when you hear her talk to her.  Adda will say things like over here Ella, come on Ella.  I'm just waiting on her to whistle and pat her leg as she is saying it.  Ella doesn't mind the attention she gets from her big sister at all!  We started rice cereal a few days ago.  I know some of you might be reading this thinking why did I just now start.  Well, I wasn't ready!  I waited until 8 months with Adda too.  Ella was ready.  More ready than Adda was at 8 months.  I was dreading (for many reason: everything changes after you start food, it's the beginning of loosing the baby stages, it's another mouth I have to feed at meal time, more dishes to wash or load) but now I am looking forward to it.  I enjoyed making Adda's food and I am planning on doing the same for Ella.  It's super easy and very economical!  I remember being excited to make and let Adda try new things!  I am having those same feeling now with Ella!  So look out sweet potatoes, Ella is coming for you in a few days!

Some of the things she love to do/milestones:
  •    Snort on command, or not on command!
  • Still loves to sit and watch everything around her.  She is so laid back!
  • Starting to army crawl and roll her way around the living room, or scoots where she need to go.
  • Drink water from her cup when Adda does.  She actually looks for her cup when Adda gets hers.
  • Makes the S sound when she sees our cat "Sissy"!  We have started saying kitty or cat before we say Sissy now so she doesn't think all cats are "Sissy" when she sees one.
  • Goes crazy when she knows her Daddy is in the room!  Since she was a baby he has always made the "ch" sound when he sees her.  He will say, "ch ch ch" and she jerks her head and looks to see where the sound is coming from.  Now she starts giggling and moving around like crazy when she hears it.  That means Daddy is home!
  • Loves to chew on her toothbrush!  After I brush her teeth she reaches for it and it goes straight in her mouth.  
  • Says: papa, and dada, with her regular mama and baba.
  • She waves all the time, even when she sees a toy she wants she will start to wave!
  • She has 5 teeth now.  The sixth will be here any day!  She has gotten two teeth every two months, almost to the day, since she was 4 months old.  I was expecting to see one come through! 

How rude that I took the paper away!
 You can see that 5th tooth that just came through yesterday.  The 6th is just about to come through!

Adda is becoming more and more independent these days.  I feel like she tells me how to do most things.  Not in a bossy way, but just a matter of fact way!  She's got it all figured out!  Oh Boy, we are in for a long ride!  Some of her recent funnies:
  • I had to go to the DMV one day and she told the lady behind the counter that we were going to look for a new microwave.  She said, "Our microwave has a crack!  It's just horrible!"
  • When we are driving in the car and she asks me a question about something or some place she sees I always answer her question and she replies with a quick "Hummmm", like I just told her the most interesting thing she has ever heard!  
  • We went to a JV football game and a boy named Larry got hurt.  He actually dislocated his hip and had to be taken off the field on a stretcher and put in an ambulance.  We were sitting on the field behind the end zone, so she was really close to it all.  When Gonzo and I put her to bed that night and said our prayers she prayed, "God help Larry have a new leg, okay?"  So sweet, and innocent!  She told us last night that we need to take Larry some orange ice cream!  I think that's her way of telling us she wants some orange ice cream! 
  • When she smells a toot (doesn't matter where we are) she says loudly, "I think I smell poop!  Mom, (or Dad) do you smell poop?"  She will even start sniffing around trying to find out where it is coming from! 
  •    We were explaining to her that some toys needed to be put in a bigger bag and the smaller toys needed to be put in that smaller bag and she said, "That is a wonderful idea!"
  •  I love that girl so much!  Even when she wears me plum out, I love her to pieces!

    Adda and I finished the letter B today!  I thought I would show you a few of our activities! 
 Counting paper clips for butterflies.
 Sorting large, medium, and small.
 Blue playdough.  Look at Ella in the background chewing on the playdough container!
 B bread
 Blue socks
 Butterfly shirt
 B bread, buttered, and baked!

 Scissor practice!  Yikes!  She did end up getting pissed off and told me it was just too hard in tears!  Oh, my she is soooo dramatic!  She got that from her Daddy too!  Ha Ha!  I am not dramatic AT ALL!

 Can you see the emotion building up in her face?
     On to letter C next week!  I hope it's as fun as B has been!

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