It's been a looooooooooong time since I've written on the blog. Actually the twins were about 9 months old the last time I blogged. Soooooo, about 9 months ago! Woops!!!! To be completely honest I stopped when they started moving. When the twins became mobile the SHIT hit the fan!!! Excuse my language but that word just has to be used to fully describe my feelings. If I ever thought it was hard before, boy was I wrong. They started crawling and I felt like a chicken with my head cut off from sun up to sun down. Crap, I still feel like that but the chicken head that is cut off is spinning out of control and shouting cuss words every so often!!! I stopped blogging because I wanted to be honest about life, but didn't know how to write it without sounding like I hated my life and was the worst mother EVER! Listen, I am well aware nobody is sitting back watching my every move and making sure I'm up to par on my mom swing, but I do feel like there is a stupid standard that our society puts out there. Facebook and Blogs are some of the biggest culprits for beating down the already beaten down mom. I'm sure at some point I've made my life look like "The Sound of Music", but it's not! It's hard. It's a beating. It's frustrating. It's hard. It's a beating. It's frustrating!!! So is Suzy Q's, right next door. Unfortunately I have to remind myself more often than I want to admit that even though it's all of the above, it's so so so good! It's just what God wanted for me. It's rewarding! It's sweet! It's worth it! It sanctifies me daily, well probably hourly! I mean if I'm trying to be a book wide open here I'm gonna go ahead and say it's more like minute by minute that The Good Lord is working on me! I'll be the first to admit that my oldest daughter did not learn the word shit from "public school" she learned it from ME! I'll also be the first to admit that I ask Adda to pray for me often! So often that she has told me, "Mom, I've been praying for your yelling and it's not helping." Sorry Adda I'm working on it! I'm working on it today. I'll be working on it tomorrow, and probably again the next day! Some days will be good. Some days will suck! All I can do is keep my head up and keep pushing my girls to Jesus! Even if I'm asking for prayer for my yelling!!! Eeeeek!
So, a very long and probably overly detailed paragraph later I'm telling you that I'm back and will attempt to let you guys back in only if you promise to...pray for my yelling!!!!! I will attempt to keep it real and not make you think we've got our junk together over here, because I don't think it's possible to get our junk together.
Happy New Year from our "CREW" to yours!
Let me explain the overload of the same picture. We have taken a picture on New Year's Eve every year since we had Adda. It's usually a beating and we are scrambling to set up the camera to get the picture in, but one day we will look back at them all and be glad we did it. When I pulled the pictures up I couldn't help but post them all to show you how many it took to get one, or none! No, there is ONE that turned out!
Checking camera position
Checking camera setting
Everyone get in your spots, here I come!
I guess I checked spots 15 times before I actually pushed the timer button!
1st one is blurry probably from me running around the corner to get in the picture.
A little better but still blurry, probably from my heavy breathing from running around the corner to get in the picture.
Trying round 2 of the timer.
The next to last picture was the best. I stopped breathing for a sec and everyone started laughing! SCORE!
Hold that pose for one more...and Adda is gone. Look at Gonzo still holding the pose but pointing with a very strong finger at the spot Adda needs to be at. Oh Lord! We are a mess over here!!!
Happy New Year Y'all!!!