We have had many changes around our house since my last post. Which the last post was so long ago that inevitably there should be lots of changes!!!
Here are some of the changes:
*I'm almost 31 weeks but measuring about 42 weeks. Last night I woke up at 12:30 to vomit in my mouth because the babies took a wrong turn and started playing tag on my stomach causing my dinner to come right up. After I coughed and gagged for a few minutes I brushed my teeth and went back to bed laying on my left side this time. I fell back asleep and woke up a few hours later to sharp pains in my ribs from them playing tag in my rib cage! I have read where people say they can feel every ounce of the babies towards the end and I totally understand what that means. I can feel every inch of them in my belly!
The girls feeling the babies kick one morning last week! My stomach looks like waves in the ocean at times they are moving so much!
Belly shot last week at almost 30 weeks. Bathroom is a mess, no judgement!
* Ella is almost 15 months old. She is so busy and talks up a storm. Adda talked early but Ella is even ahead of her with some things. I'm sure it has to do with there being much more conversation going on at all times. When my parents where here this weekend she told my mom about 50 times "I want phone!" I try not to let her play with my phone much and my mom was letting her play with hers. She is pretty good about vocalizing what she wants and following directions.
Two of her favorite things: milk and the red football. She goes straight for the red football when she sees the toy box. She also likes the "baball" but prefers the football. This morning she had a little trouble deciding what had to be put down to be able to drink the milk! Such a determined look on her face!
* Adda is becoming an independent woman. We started a sticker chart for her a few weeks ago. Most everything on it are things that she can do on her own like: putting shoes on, getting in car seat and buckling, washing herself in the shower, brushing her teeth, helping with chores, etc. We did have to add to most of them two very important words, "without whining!!!" Sometimes I tell her she sounds like a puppy with her whining! It makes me want to shut my head in a freezer door over and over! I guess it's part of her age and even more part of being a girl! SOOOO dramatic, and such a short fuse!
Such a cheeser! Here is the sticker chart!!! You might notice that one row is already full. She is a pro at going potty all by herself! We are working on the flushing! She is always in such a hurry to finish and wash her hands for 10 minutes that she forgets to flush! Hey, we'll take what we can get! For filling the row she was able to go get orange sherbet from Braums! Anything orange is a great prize for her!

* Gonzo is finished with track! HALLELUIAH! It was a very long and very busy track season. Spring football has started! There really is not an off season at all! It's always the same every year that he gets stressed that they aren't very good because they have lost a few really good defensive players to the offensive side of the ball and somehow they manage to make it happen on the defensive side of the ball once the season starts. I'm always so proud of how hard he works at his job! He is one of the hardest workers I've ever seen and his efforts don't go unseen! He has also picked up a second job when he comes home from work. After cleaning house last week and feeling like I might have two babies soon he told me I am officially done. No more cleaning! He comes home and gets dinner situated for everyone and then does the dishes, and then takes the girls outside for a while, and so on! He is the best there is! I love him dearly!
* Our house is full of baby things for the twins with no place to put them yet! I'm nesting like a crazy woman and can't do much because I physically can't do it by myself and we have to do some organizing and moving things around to make it all fit. This is when I wish we had another room! We will be a "Full House" literally!
Do not judge the mess you see in my house! There are piles of things in most rooms. Here is the pile in the kitchen corner. Just working on a place to put it.
Letters for their names on the ledge in the kitchen.
A pile from the shower this weekend on the fireplace in the living room.
One car seat in the entry way!
A pile in Ella's room that has no home yet!
Diapers galore in Ella's closet (soon to be Chloe and Chair's closet)!
The second car seat in the sun room! We also have some stuff in the trunk of Maggie The Minivan. Ugh! We have major plans to get some things organized and put away this weekend!
The bottom of Ella's closet. Oh boy! We need an extra room in this house!!!
* The best change I can think of since my last post is that I am now a "Minivan Momma" and proud of it. I'm not sure what the big stigma is with having a minivan but people are crazy! They are amazing!!!! Any vehicle that has doors and a trunk that open by a push of a button is A+ in my book! It was such a God thing that it worked out the way it did and we are so proud of it. So proud that Adda named it Maggie The Minivan! So poor Gonzo will soon live in a house with a wife, four daughters, a female cat named Sissy, and a female minivan named Maggie. It's just he and his truck!
At the dealership switching car seats from the old car to the new MINIVAN!
Adda in her new Van! That girls has got Medusa hair in this picture!
"Maggie" at home in our driveway! We love it and feel so blessed that The Lord made this happen for our big ol' family!!!